



Bank Info

To start a full time job or part-time job, you will need a bank account. For this reason, we will recommend foreigner-friendly banks where you can easily open an account and inform you the banks in Japan.
In addition, we will also introduce banks and credit card companies that are easy for foreigners to have a contract with. You can earn points and save money, especially when you shop cashless.

Banks in Japan

Since there are many banks in Japan, this section provides information on banks mainly used by foreigners.

City banks are those with head offices in large cities and branches throughout Japan, and are known as megabanks.

Japan Post Bank is under Japan Post group. It is the No. 1 bank for foreigners to open an account for the first time after arriving in Japan.

Online banks are those that do not have branches and conduct all procedures on the Internet. They have been attracting attention in recent years because of their low transfer fees, but many banks do not allow utility bills to be debited, so it is necessary to distinguish between them and other banks.

A local bank operates exclusively in it's local area and has no branches nationwide.

Shinkin banks are membership banks for people who live or work in a particular area. When you have a full time or part-time work in a rural area, you are often required to open a shinkin bank account.

Here are some credit card companies that are easy for foreigners to have a contract with. By paying with a credit card, you can earn points and save money.

Debit cards are usually applied for together when opening a bank account. It is convenient to make a debit card at Japan Post Bank or your main bank.

In recent years, electronic money and smartphone payments have become more common in Japan, and you should know about convenient payment methods such as Paypay, LINEPay, Suica, and Pasmo.