
Gijinkoku Visa Check



Check of Gijinkoku Visa

We will check your "educational background" and "job description," which are the most important factors in the examination for a Gijinkoku visa (work visa). Based on the results, we will confirm points that need to be improved and points that need consideration.
The general work visa in Japan is called "Engineer/Humanities/International Services". Since this term is long, we will refer to it as a Gijinkoku (技人国) visa.

Check of ”Educational Background”

Based on your educational background, we will check whether you are eligible for a Gijinkoku visa (work visa). Please select the highest level of your educational background.
For example, if you graduated from a university (bachelor's degree) overseas and graduated from a vocational school (Diploma) in Japan, please select the university.

Check of "Job Description”

Based on the work you will actually perform in Japan, we will check whether or not you can obtain a Gijinkoku visa. If you have more than one job, please select the one that is your main job.

Systems, Programming, Web Development, Mechanical, etc.

Sales, Marketing, Planning, Design, Accounting, Human Resources, Labor Relations, etc.

Translation/Interpretation, Overseas Business Dealings, Public Relations/Promotion, Language Teaching, etc.

Customer service/Cooking, Construction/Caregiving On-site work, Manufacturing/Meal Preparation, Driving/Logistics, Cleaning, Security, Repair Work, Inventory Control/Dispatch, etc.